Sunday, February 15, 2009

Poppin' That Good Ol' Making A Video Cherry. . . Holler.

So basically, this is an exclusive... Sike. I made a video for the very first time. Here IT is people. Enjoy.


  1. lol... i like it... real cool and fun to watch... looks like you had fun...keep them coming :)
    oh...and is that a tattoo on the inside of ur arm?? what is the tattoo??
    aight deuces

  2. Fucking love it!!!!
    Sending ya some London love girly!!!!
    Loving the blog so far...

  3. Not tryna sound soft or nuthin but i fuckin love u lol but dis was nice and funny. I will b lookin forward to u makin anotha vid soon so i can c ur beautiful self smilin and laughin and stuff but anyways stay up seiko
